Our Work

Housing Resolution
The Campus Area Neighborhood Association is a central advocate for affordable housing on the Isthmus. We and our fellow downtown neighborhood associations are committed to getting well-priced housing through collective action.
Regent Street Revitalization Project
Regent Street is changing! The Campus Area Neighborhood Association is a part of that future. CANA members are a part of a group that is discussing what Regent Street may look like in the next 10 years. CANA members receive updates on what the group is working on and advocate for our neighborhood.
Downtown Neighborhood Coalition
Campus Area Neighborhood Association joined the Downtown Neighborhood Coalition to bring a stronger partnership and collective voice on issues on the Isthmus. This group started with the vision of making our downtown community more welcoming and affordable for all people.

Steering Committees
Steering Committees are how the neighborhood association gathers input and advocates directly to the developers of apartments and the city to ensure neighborhood input is included in considering what is built in our neighborhood.
Alcohol License Reviews
When a new business or existing business needs to renew or a new alcohol license in order to serve alcohol they come to us as an advisory body. We are able to see the plans of the business to ensure safety and prevent underage drinking.
Partnerships with UW-Madison Student Organizations
Campus Area Neighborhood Association partners with student organizations at the University of Wisconsin-Madison as a way to build community power and engage more people in the local sphere of government and community. Come and partner with us.

CANA Events
The Campus Area Neighborhood Association brings in local elected officials, city officials, and community partners to talk about the work they are doing. Also, we discuss how our members can get involved and make a difference in our community!
Check out CANA's Google Calendar near the bottom of our home page!