Alder District 4
Alders (in the context of Madison, WI) are elected officials that are responsible for representing a certain part of the City of Madison. They vote on city issues as a Common Council member, along as a member of different committees that suit their interests. Their decisions affect their 'district' or area of jurisdiction, along with the city as a whole, for years to come and hence concern residents, those who work in the area, and even those who visit the area. In order to be considered a constituent (some one who votes) for District 4, you must register to vote with a residential address in D4. District 4 of the City of Madison, as seen in the photo above in blue, consists of Capitol Square, Lake Monona, the Mifflin Street area, West Gorham Street, and the Bassett Street area. Notable locations include the Wisconsin State Capitol, Madison Senior Center, Brittingham Park, Law Park, Peace (Elizabeth Link) Park, Monona Terrance, the Kohl Center, and more!
For more information about District 4, please reference the City of Madison District 4 page: