
Tenant Resource Center
The Tenant Resource Center has lots of resources for renters! Find out more and contact a representative for support:
City of Madison Information
Direct City of Madison Website:
Learn about what the City of Madison's responsibilities are: https://www.cityofmadison.com/Council/councilMembers/resourceGuide.cfm
Legistar (City's virtual public filing system): https://madison.legistar.com/Departments.aspx
City Elected Alders
District 2 - Juliana Bennett
District 4 - Michael E. Verveer
District 8 - MGR Govindarajan
Find out who your City Alderperson is:
Senior Guides
The federal food assistance program, SNAP, sometimes also called Food Stamps, is available to low-income households to encourage healthy food choices. RetireGuide reached out to share their guides aimed at educating senior citizens about the benefits of this great program:
Food Stamps for Seniors guide:
Guide to Medicare Grocery Benefit:
Slips and falls for seniors is one of their biggest risks of getting seriously injured. It can be extremely scary for those involved, and can result in a long hospital stay. Brown & Crouppen created a guide that details why seniors are prone to slips and falls, how we can mitigate the risk, and what are the steps for the person and also their family or caregivers if it does happen.
Elderly Slips and Falls:
Also, local Safe Communities Fall Prevention programs:
Advocacy Information
Progressive Local Government for the 21st Century: A Policy Database
National Low Income Housing Coalition: National & State Database for Housing Data
Downtown Madison Inc. (DMI): Downtown Madison Advocacy Organization
UW-Madison Resources
The Dean of Students Office (DoSO) can help students with financial, food, and housing difficulties: https://doso.students.wisc.edu/student-assistance/
General Website for UW Residence Halls: https://www.housing.wisc.edu/undergraduate/residence-halls/
This site has everything you need to know about parking in Madison:
County Elected Officials
Find out more about who your County Supervisor is and what they do: https://board.countyofdane.com/supervisors
General Food Assistance
The federal food assistance program, SNAP, sometimes also called Food Stamps or EBT, is available to university students. You can test for your eligibility by using:
Generally, to be eligible for benefits as a student, you must be an independent (no one claims you on their taxes), have less than $2000 in your bank account, and either be a full time student OR work at least 20 hours a week. Eligibility criteria can change and vary though, so use the test website (link above) or apply for real (link below). Benefits, or governmental assistance, can include food stipends, healthcare, and more! Applying does not harm anything, they only check your eligibility for these programs.
You can apply for WI benefits here: https://access.wisconsin.gov/access/

Safety Resources
UW-Madison Police Department
On-campus, non-confidential
The UW-Madison Police Department is a full-service law enforcement agency on the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus in Madison, WI.
Non-Emergency: 608-264-2677
1429 Monroe St.
Web: uwpd.wisc.edu
Madison Police Department
On-campus, non-confidential
The Madison Police Department is a full-service law enforcement agency serving Madison, WI.
Non-Emergency: 608-266-4316
211 S. Carroll St.

Dane County RCC Sexual Violence Resource Center (RCC)
RCC is a community agency providing free and confidential services for survivors of all forms of sexual violence, including support groups, short-term counseling, and a 24/7 help line. Provides 24/7 emotional support and information to survivors of all genders in Dane County, Wisconsin.
24/7 Crisis Line: 608-251-7273
Línea de Ayuda: 608-258-2567
Domestic Abuse Intervention Services (DAIS)
DAIS is community agency providing free and confidential services for survivors of dating/domestic violence and stalking, including support groups and a 24/7 help line. Available 24/7: 608-251-4445
Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin (PPWI) provides confidential, affordable, and trauma-informed reproductive healthcare for survivors of all genders. Services include:
Physical exams
STI education
STI testing and treatment, including HIV
Pregnancy testing and option, including referrals to appropriate providers as needed
To schedule an appointment or learn more: call 1-800-230-PLAN or visit their website.
Deaf Unity Hotline is specifically for all Deaf victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking in the Madison area.
Hours: 9 a.m. – 10 p.m. Monday through Friday
Text: 608-466-2881
Email: help@deafunitywi.org
Disability Rights Wisconsin
Provides direct service to individuals with disabilities who experience crime, even if the crime has not been reported.
Toll Free Number: 1-800-928-8778
Provides bilingual & bicultural services for Latinx and immigrant survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault in the Madison area.
La Red 24/7 Linea de Ayuda: 800-510-9195
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